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Livres d’histoire ultramarine publiés par Cambridge University Press

Le 20 janvier 2013 à 21h27

Les éditions Cambridge University Press publient :
 H.V. Bowen, Elisabeth Mancke & John Reid (eds), Britain’s Oceanic Empire. Atlantic and Indian Ocean Worlds, c1550-1850, 2012, ISBN 978-1_107-02014-6.
 James Hevia, The Imperial Security State. British Colonial Knowledge and Empire-Bulding in Asia, 2012,312 pp., ISBN 078-0-521-89608-5.
 José Angel Hernandez, Mexican American Colonization during the Nineteenth Cenbtury. A History of U.S.-Mexico Borderlands, 2012, 284 pp., ISBN 978-1-107-66624-5.
 Gabriel Paquette, Imperial Portugal in the Age of Atlantic Revolutions. The Luso-Brazilian World, c1770-1850, 2013, 480 pp., ISBN 978-1-107-02897-5.
 Guy Vanthemsche, Belgium and the Congo, 1885-1980, 2012, 300 pp., ISBN 978-0-521-19421-1.
 Claire Anderson, Subaltern Lives. Biographies of Colonialism in the Indian Ocean World, 1790-1920, 2012, 232 pp., ISBN 978-1-107-64544-8.
 James Lehning, European Colonialism since 1700, 2013, 320 pp., ISBN 978-0-521-74171-2.
 Chouki El Hamel, Black Morocco. A History of Slavery, Race, and Islam, series "African Studies, 123", 2013, 352 pp., ISBN 978-1-107-02577-6.
 Elisabeth Schmidt, Foreign Intervention in Africa. From Cold War to the War on Terror, 2013, 256 pp., ISBN 978-0-521-70903-3.
 Victor Bulmer-Thomas, The Economic History of the Caribbean since the Napoleonic Wars, 2012, 720 pp., ISBN 978-0-521-14560-2.
 Daniel Neep, Occupying Syria under the French Mandate. Insurgency, Space and State Formation, 2012, 241 pp., ISBN 978-1-107-00006-3.

* Ces ouvrages sont également disponibles en ebooks.